Creating Students

In this tab you will be able to create your students either individually or you can upload them all at once with an Excel file or CSV file.

Creating Individual Students:

Class Assignment: If you have a class assignment ready, you will find it in the drop down menu. This is the class that your student will be assigned to.

Grading Profile: The grading profile that you assign to your student will determine what lessons are assigned as well as how difficult or easy the program will be.

Student Name: The students name will go in this field. It can be their full name, or just their first name. Some schools opt to use their student ID.

Student Password: There are no password requirements for your students, you can set them all to “1” or make them as complex as you would like.

Email Address: The email address field is optional, if used the email will be their username to log in, if left blank the system will automatically generate a username for the students to use. Which typically looks like rick@3j1s

Importing Students:

1: Select the column with the students Last Name.

2: Select the column with the students First Name.

3: Select the column with the students Password.

4: Is the students Email Address listed? If no, our system will generate a Username for each student. If YES, you will be prompted to select the column with the students Email Address.

5: Is the students Class Assignment listed? If no, you will be prompted to select a Class Assignment from a dropdown menu. If yes, you will select the column with their Class Assignment.

6: Select the Grading Profile to be assigned to the students

7: Depending on the format of your file, you may need to omit the first row, if you have students listed in row 1 then you will want to import the first row.

8: You are now ready to import your students! Select the RED Import Students button. If successful the students will be added to their classes and will be ready to work.