Virtual Education And Teacher Tools: How To Use Technology

Man sitting and using tablet

Are you an elementary teacher looking for ways to improve your virtual education game? You’re in luck! There’s plenty you can do to make sure you’re using technology to its fullest so your student’s get the best education possible. All you need is a little know-how and some great teacher tools. So in this post, […]

Having A Culture Week In Your Classroom

Cultural parade with floats.

What’s a powerful way to teach young students how to understand and accept different people? With cultural studies. Learning about other cultures helps children see that there are many ways to live and that they all have value. Additionally, it gives them a greater understanding and empathy for others. With all these great benefits, you […]

Learning Through Play

Three kids playing with a ball and bouncer

If you want a simple (and fun) way to teach your students, then there’s an unexpectedly easy way to do it – learning through play! It’s a powerful way of getting your students on board while bypassing their “ugh, time for school…” mentality. So it’s clear why this can be a great tool to add […]

Learn About Civics Or Law With A Mock Classroom Trial

Gavel against marble table

What’s an easy way to make something boring and dry (like the law) fun and exciting? Bring it to life with a mock trial in your classroom! Teaching your students about civics or law doesn’t have to be a snooze-fest. With a mock trial, you can engage your students in active learning, where they’re the […]

Clever Classroom Sync

Manually creating student account across multiple platforms can be very time consuming! To help alleviate this we have just implemented Clever Classroom Sync, a free option for teachers or individual schools to quickly and easily import their students from Clever! Link with Clever Classroom The first thing that you will need to do is install […]

ClassLink Sync

Keyboarding Online is a certified partner of ClassLink. This means you can add the Keyboarding Online app in your ClassLink Dashboard. This is a district level sync. We will create class and student lists based upon the information shared. Single Sign-on is also supported. Helpful Hints Only share the classes that will use Keyboarding Online […]

Exploring Students Hobbies As A Class

Kid playing jenga

What’s one of the most fun things for all young students to do? Partake in their personal interests. For example, many kids might be passionate about video games, sports, movies, books, or even animals. So what do you think will happen if you bring those topics up in class? Their eyes will light up with […]

Bringing The “T” From STEM In Your Lessons

Various computer, laptop, tablet, and more on a table.

STEM is considered one of the most important curriculums in education. It’s an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. And many people believe these four disciplines are the cornerstones of a successful future. And that means educators who incorporate STEM in their lessons are important! But you don’t need to be a […]

Helping Your Class Keep A Student Journal

Woman writing in journal on black and white couch.

A student journal can be a powerful tool for elementary students. It can help them record their thoughts and feelings. And it can also help them improve their writing skills. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of student journals, as well as some tips for maintaining a journal writing habit. We hope […]

How To Fight Restlessness In The Classroom

A frustrated student working on a laptop

It can be difficult to deal with restlessness in the classroom. It seems like every day, more and more students are fidgeting and unable to focus. This can be extremely frustrating, especially when you are trying to teach a lesson. So in this blog post, we’ll discuss some strategies that you can use to overcome […]