Where Can I Find Teacher Groups Online?

It is not hot news that the web is home to different social and professional communities. All social media platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, have outstanding, dedicated spaces for teaching professionals. These are called Teacher Groups. Some of these are open groups for everyone to join, while others are only accessible for the teaching […]

Gamification Of Learning: Make It Work In Your Classroom

Gamification – sounds like an intimidating technical term, doesn’t it? In reality, it’s quite the opposite. Most teachers don’t even realize they’re already using this technique in their classrooms. For those who aren’t fully aware of this term, gamification of learning refers to the introduction of game-like elements in your teaching strategies so as to […]

How To Address Disability Awareness In Your Class

Disability awareness and inclusion of special children is essential everywhere, especially in schools and institutes. Children with disabilities often become subject to bullying or are simply left out. Such attitudes towards disabled children can have a significant impact on their overall personalities and often alienate them within a classroom environment. These feelings of being an […]

Best Note Taking Methods for Teachers and Students

Best Note Taking Methods for Teachers and Students

All universes are infinite. This includes the one above us, but also the one within us. That is why both teachers and students need to develop and use note-taking methods if they don’t want to get lost. There are three direct advantages of good note-taking: Better knowledge retention Increased productivity Better planning Additionally, there will […]

How To Avoid Becoming A Tired Teacher?

Teachers carry the burden and responsibility of all their students regardless of their age and gender. The educational sector of an entire country relies on the shoulders of these professionals. They shape, mold, and develop the personalities of a whole generation. But can a tired teacher carry anything at all? The answer is scary! The Realities Of […]

5 Good Habits for Students to Acquire

5 Good Habits for Students to Acquire

When you are an adult it is easy to focus on traits and habits that are useful for the here and now. But good habits for students to acquire are not those that will only help them become better and happier people now, but in the future as well. The best habits to have are […]

Funny School Stories: Kids are the Future!

Funny School Stories

Regardless of the country, culture, or the age of the students, every teacher has funny school stories that come directly from the classroom. What makes them so hilarious is that they often have a kind of logic behind them and are always delivered with a straight face. Children, and that even includes college students, usually […]

How to Ignite Your Communication with Students via Social Media

How to Ignite Your Communication with Students via Social Media?

The biggest phenomenon about social media is that it is simultaneously underrated and overrated. While you can ignite your communication with students using social media platforms, the true question is, should you? There are four reasons why a teacher would want to use social media with their students: For sharing lectures, materials, and written assignments […]

Memorization Techniques to Help Your Students

Memorization Techniques to Help Your Students

Memory is a tricky thing. We don’t remember things we know are important, but rather those we feel are important. Thus, for young people with their frontal cortex still underdeveloped, memorization techniques are essential for school. Even for older learners over the age of 21, such techniques can improve what we retain instinctively. This can […]

Teaching Towards Different Learning Styles in Your Classroom

Different Learning Styles

The modern world indeed works on streamlining and optimization. But that approach is anything but ideal when it comes to teaching. If you want to ensure that every student in your class reaches their full potential, then you will need to focus on different learning styles that they might have. In a broad sense, learning […]