Causes of Conflict in School and How to Avoid Them

Child on bike with upset face

Conflict is a normal part of life. But when it happens at school, it can be disruptive and cause problems for everyone involved. That’s why it’s essential to know the causes of conflict and how to avoid them. Otherwise, your classroom will be loaded with preventable disputes between students. So we’ve put together a list […]

Innovative Teaching Methods for Your Kindergarten Class

Crayons and markers on a brown desk

Is your teaching a bit stale? Do you feel like your students are bored with your lessons? If so, it may be time to mix things up and try innovative teaching methods. It’s crucial to keep your students engaged. Otherwise, they won’t learn anything! The question is, how can you make your lessons more interesting? […]

Why Teacher Development is Important and How to Get it

Man diligently learning from a laptop

You’re a teacher and want to be the best you can be. But the question is – how? What should you do to develop your skills and knowledge to provide the best possible education for your students? Honestly, there are many ways to grow your skills as an educator. It’s simply a matter of choosing […]

Teacher Manager Class Semester Start Checklist

The beginning of the semester can be stressful! This checklist should assist in making the start a little smoother. 1: Create your Class while in the teacher manager. Select Classes, and then select Create New Class in the top right, and give it a name. 2: Create a Grading Profile to assign to your students. […]

Grading Profiles

Grading profiles are one of the most important elements of the entire program and if understood correctly can save so much time and effort. Every student created will need a profile assigned to their file. The grading profile tells the program how fast the student needs to type, how many errors they are allowed to […]

Ten Key Mastery – Student Guide

Once you have logged into Ten Key Mastery you will be brought to our Lessons Dashboard. If you need to skip to a specific lesson, click on the Magnifying Glass in the top left of your screen, and select the lesson you want to skip to. To start your lesson, click on the “play” button […]

Coping with Teacher Stress and Burnout

Tired man resting face on desk

Teaching can be a gratifying profession. But it can also be stressful and lead to burnout. In fact, according to the recent Gallup Panel Workforce Study, 52% of teachers say they experience burnout “always” or “often.” And when teachers are stressed, it can lead to absenteeism, lower job satisfaction, and even quitting. On top of […]

Student Self-Registration

Self Registration links make each new semester a breeze. Creating the Self Registration link allows your students to quickly and easily sign up for your class. In the image below you can see the list of current links that I have active. All you would need to do is copy the link and send it […]

Top 5 Books for Teachers to Read in 2023

The start of a new year is always an exciting time. It’s a time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the future. If you’re a teacher, it’s also a time to consider your professional development. What do you want to learn in the year ahead? There are many different options for […]

How to Incorporate Smart Goals for Students with the New Year

Laptop that says Goals on brown table

The New Year is the perfect time to start fresh and set goals for the upcoming year. But what if your students need a little extra help when it comes to setting goals? That’s where SMART goals for students come in. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This means that they are […]