Examples Of Parents And Teachers Working Together

parent and teacher working together

Educational experts around the world advocate for parents and teachers working together. Studies show that it has a direct impact on the child’s developing cognitive abilities and overall academic performance. So, if you’ve been delaying parent-teacher meetings lately, here’s why you should consider being a regular attendee right away!   Family Involvement Can Positively Impact Student […]

Descriptive Creative Writing For Students

Kids writing.

Descriptive creative writing is an art and a talent that not everyone has. Just like painting and singing, this skill requires refining and polishing, and only a teacher has the power to do that. A good teacher can take appropriate measures and bring this hidden talent out of many of their students. The right exercises, […]

Holding A Typing Tournament For Your Class

With the world becoming so technologically advanced, the newer generations are required to be more up-to-date. Since everything has become computerized, including classrooms, good typing skills are a must. Naturally, typing tournament and competitions are the new trend now. If you’re thinking of arranging one, here’s how to do it successfully:     Explain Why […]

How To Talk To Teachers

Parent-Teacher Conference

A teacher has a significant impact on a child’s personality and capabilities. Therefore, establishing a good relationship with them will help you, a parent, be more specific about your kid’s needs and how you would like them to study. However, having that perfect communication can be tricky, especially if it’s your first time. So if […]

Different Types Of Learners In The Classroom And How To Help Them

Kids writing on a whiteboard

No two kids are the same, and who would know that better than a teacher? Every child has their own personality and preferred way of learning. Some like to watch videos and make up songs, while others can read books to understand concepts. A teacher needs to understand and accommodate the different types of learners in […]

5 Most Helpful Text Writing Apps

You might think that learning how to write is something you do naturally overtime and therefore, is quite basic. However, some kids have more trouble than others. This difference in abilities could result from cognitive characteristics, different personality types, and preferences of learning styles. Besides, not all teaching styles work for every student, right? So […]

Distance Learning Programs During COVID

Girl taking an online class.

Even though online education has been an on-going trend for the last decade or so, the pandemic has really made distance learning programs essential. Since traditional classes require a physical presence in groups, online education is the only way to minimize infection risk and make learning safer. Hence, schools, colleges, universities, and all other educational institutions have […]

How To Prepare The Substitute Teacher For Your Class

Being a substitute teacher has its pros and cons, and it can be challenging. A lot can go wrong when you’re taking over a class you’re not familiar with. Students can be hard to reach if they’re not comfortable or familiar with you regardless of their age group. Since they are not used to seeing you in […]

How The Real Colors Test Helps You Communicate With Your Students

With the growing modernization and access to technology, it is getting trickier and more challenging to reach the modern world’s students. Today’s teachers must stay updated with educational trends, tools, and modern teaching methods. However, staying up-to-date is not just necessary for the satisfaction of the students. Instead, modern technology can also be of great help […]

Our Best Tips For Teacher Desk Organisation

Your teacher desk is the most essential yet the most underrated part of your everyday life. Think about it. You start your day at your workplace, you work there throughout the day, and finally, you end your day there too. But do you really pay attention to how it looks? If your answer is no, you’ve got […]