How To Manage Life At Work With A Challenging Principal

Woman yelling in frustration

Do you have a challenging principal who’s hard to please? Maybe they’re an unreasonable micromanager, who always picks on little things. Or maybe they’re just not the nicest person in the world. Or maybe your principal is all of the above, and then some. Whatever their style may be, it can take its toll on […]

Updates & Preparing for 2021 students

As you and school prepare for students after the holidays there are a few things that could make your work easier: If you are not already using a syncing option to create your class lists (e.g. Classlink, Google Classroom, Clever Classroom, Canvas, OneRoster, Blackboard) you can prepare now so that in January you will be […]

Students In Welfare Situations And The Signs That Indicate It

Student writing in classroom

Some students have tough lives. It could be because of the family they were born into, difficult life circumstances they’ve faced, or any number of factors that put unfortunate students in welfare situations. This isn’t their fault. Regardless, these students often need an extra hand to pull them through and make something of themselves. So […]

How To Teach Beyond The Mark

Lady teacher smiling next to whiteboard

It’s easy to get settled into a teaching routine. When you teach for long enough, you start to get the hang of things and you develop a comfortable pattern. While this isn’t exactly a bad thing, it could cause your teaching to become stale. This means you might not be reaching your students as much […]

Juliana Urtubey: What we can learn from the 2021 National Teacher Of The Year

Yellow award ribbon on blue background

What can you learn from Juliana Urtubey, the national 2021 Teacher of the Year? Quite a lot, actually. Juliana is an excellent teacher because she understands the importance of relationships with her students. She builds trust and connects with them on a personal level, which helps her guide and motivate them in their learning. And […]

Your Class Mission Statement And How To Create One

Woman holding mission journal

One of the most powerful ways to engage your students is with a class mission statement. The reason why is it involves them with the purpose and direction of the class. Not only will it help define your expectations for them, but also give clarity to their goals as well. But the most important thing […]

Your Unmotivated Student And How To Engage Them

Young and bored student starting at a laptop

Do you need help with an unmotivated student? You’re not the first educator to feel this way, and you certainly won’t be the last. A lot of students simply don’t see the value in doing school work, especially when they’re young and more interested in playing and having fun. So what are you supposed to […]

Objective Teaching: The Focus On Outcomes

Teacher using objective teaching

Are you interested in teaching students in a more practical way? In a way that has more application than rote memorization? Although memorizing facts and figures has its place in teaching, there are limitations to it. The main drawback is students don’t learn how to apply their lessons beyond regurgitating information. This means critical thinking […]

Your Class Clown: How To Deal With Them

It’s no secret that every classroom seems to have a student who can’t help but be the class clown. Whether they’re constantly interrupting the lesson, distracting others with their silly antics, or just being noisy, these kids can make it difficult for everyone else to learn. But how do you deal with them? In this […]

Communication Models To Teach Your Students

Students listening differently

Many students have trouble with communication. Whether it’s listening to your lecture, getting a point across, or being efficient with getting information, there’s plenty of room for improvement. But there is a way to help students communicate more effectively and we’d like you to know about it. In fact, once you’ve used these communication models […]