How to Use Technology in the Classroom

Students using technology in a classroom, like laptops.

Want to make use of technology in your classroom? That’s a smart move. Technology can help you reach more students, engage more effectively, and make learning easier. However, it can be challenging to figure out how to use technology in the classroom. After all, so many tools and resources are available, and it’s easy to […]

Gamification Of Learning: Make It Work In Your Classroom

Gamification – sounds like an intimidating technical term, doesn’t it? In reality, it’s quite the opposite. Most teachers don’t even realize they’re already using this technique in their classrooms. For those who aren’t fully aware of this term, gamification of learning refers to the introduction of game-like elements in your teaching strategies so as to […]

The History of the Modern Keyboard

The History of the Modern Keyboard

Very similar to biological evolution, technology is not a straight line where everything is fixed and reasonable. Some features lay dormant for years before they become useful, while others remain long after. A modern keyboard is a mix of these things and a very fascinating device on its own. Even the name sounds misleading when […]

How to Use Google Classroom as a Teacher?

How to Use Google Classroom as a Teacher?

While it has some downsides and may not be as full of features as some other platforms, Google Classroom is free and easy to understand. To learn how to use Google classroom as a teacher you will need to have a basic understanding of how Google Drive and Google Apps work, as well as a […]

Teacher Tools for Virtual Education: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

teacher tools

Even for experienced teachers, the problems with teaching remotely are something completely new. The sets of teacher tools that we are used to having are now changed to working online with programs and applications we might not be as accustomed to. But, where some see a problem, you should see an opportunity. Switching to online […]

Free BigBlueButton Virtual Classroom!


Free BigBlueButton for Subscribers! We here at KeyboardingOnline understand how frustrating this quarantine is. Classrooms have been shutdown, spanning over 140 countries! School districts all over the world are scrambling to figure out how they can teach their students. Instead of sitting around, we decided to come up with a solution for our subscribers. We […]

Will “Voice to Text” ever replace Keyboarding?

Voice to Text

Through the past several years, voice-to-text speech recognition software has come a long way. It is now on phones and computers, and seen as a quick and easy way to send a quick message. Will it ever progress to the point that it makes keyboarding obsolete? The Perfect Scenario I think most everyone would agree […]

How do you break bad typing habits?

bad typing habits

Breaking bad habits is not easy. You may have heard that it takes 7 days to develop a habit and 21 days to break one, that may not be true as research show. Breaking bad typing habits can be done, but it can be frustrating. The easiest way to break a bad habit is to […]

Typing + Financial Education = Millionaire

Financial Education

Weird right? How does keyboarding have anything to do with becoming a millionaire??? But, when its used with financial education, it can be quite powerful. Finance radio talk show guru Dave Ramsey routinely does a special hour when he has listeners call in and explain to others how they saved, invested, and now have a […]