There are multiple ways of finding answers to your questions here at Keyboarding Online. Obviously you know that already if you’re here! This article will go over the various ways of finding/receiving help for our program.
On our home page at there is a Support button in the header. When you click on it a drop down menu will appear displaying various pages that you can go to for support, instruction, and help.

Support and Knowledge Base
If you are reading this then you already know how to access our Support site! We built this site so that you could have quick access to hundreds of FAQ’s and tutorials. You can always access this by going to

On the home page we have 8 different categories all full of useful information. You can select each one and find related material to help you in that area. If I selected Teacher Manager, then I would be taken to the following page containing many articles that will help you navigate the Teacher Manager.

If you find yourself searching and searching and cannot find a certain article, then please select the “Contact Support” button and send us your question and we’ll help you out.
Popular Videos
We are no YouTube stars, but we’ve tried our best to make some videos going over the program and explaining some of its core features. You can find these videos at

All of these videos can also be found on our YouTube page at Be sure to subscribe to receive notifications about future videos being posted! If you have any suggestions for a new video please let us know.
Live Chat
We have employees who will chat with you directly if you have any questions or concerns. If they any are available you’ll see a chat icon at the bottom left-hand side of every page at

When you click on that button all you will need to do is ask your question, and if one of us is available we will answer it as soon as we can.

Simply click on “Start The Chat” and you will be automatically connected with one of us here at Keyboarding Online! Ask your question and we’ll help you out.

Contact Us
We have a contact form you can find at On that page you’ll also find all of our contact information (email, phone, fax, and address).