Financial Literacy Activities For Elementary Students

The financial literacy of children is not given the attention it deserves. Many adults don’t even know how to handle their finances, and often find themselves in debt or living paycheck to paycheck. It’s time we start working on teaching kids about money now so they can make better decisions in the future. The good […]
How To Manage Your Teaching Using Evernote

In the world of education, there’s a never-ending onslaught of tasks to do. Teachers are constantly trying to keep up with new standards… as well as stay on top of their own lesson plans and grading. It can be exhausting! But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can manage your teaching using Evernote […]
How To Thrive While Teaching In The Pandemic

Amidst all of the chaos and confusion the pandemic has brought, one thing is for sure: teaching is more important than ever. Young students need to be taught in order to maintain their education and keep up with the rest of the world. However, with in-person teaching restrictions in place, and teachers and students out […]
Navigating School Choice Initiatives As A Teacher

Ever wonder what career options let you teach at a school but in a “different” way? Surprisingly, there are several choices that let you be an educator that aren’t limited to teaching traditionally. From one-on-one counseling, to after-school coordination, to big-picture administration… your school choice career options are certainly not limited to standard teaching at […]
Weird Computers And What Makes Them Unique

Weird computers don’t fit the mold of what’s considered normal. In fact, they can be quirky, strange, and even a little funky. But that’s what makes them so special – they offer a different experience than the standard desktop or laptop computer. And we thought you might get a kick out of seeing how this […]
Best Chair, Desk, And Other Furniture Ideas For Students

Want to know an easy and creative way to improve your student’s learning experience? Then stop looking at your lesson plan and check out these furniture ideas for students instead. You might be surprised at what a difference it can make. By simply making sure your classroom has interesting furniture or that it’s arranged uniquely, […]
Motivational Stories For Students

Sometimes students can do amazing things. If we’re lucky, then the stories behind these achievements will be shared with us. And this will let us be inspired and motivated to be better teachers, students, and people as well. That’s why we decided to compile a few stories about students who’ve overcome difficult obstacles. They’ll make […]
How To Manage Life At Work With A Challenging Principal

Do you have a challenging principal who’s hard to please? Maybe they’re an unreasonable micromanager, who always picks on little things. Or maybe they’re just not the nicest person in the world. Or maybe your principal is all of the above, and then some. Whatever their style may be, it can take its toll on […]
Updates & Preparing for 2021 students
As you and school prepare for students after the holidays there are a few things that could make your work easier: If you are not already using a syncing option to create your class lists (e.g. Classlink, Google Classroom, Clever Classroom, Canvas, OneRoster, Blackboard) you can prepare now so that in January you will be […]
Students In Welfare Situations And The Signs That Indicate It

Some students have tough lives. It could be because of the family they were born into, difficult life circumstances they’ve faced, or any number of factors that put unfortunate students in welfare situations. This isn’t their fault. Regardless, these students often need an extra hand to pull them through and make something of themselves. So […]