Our first Ten Key/Data Entry software was released in 1989. Our first Keyboarding/Typing software was released in 1990. We are a long way from floppy disks, but we know what makes great keyboarding software!
Keyboard Mastery
Time Range: 50 - 60 Hours
User Range: Middle School - College
Keyboard Mastery is an intensive course that will teach beginners how to type correctly and teach more experienced students to type faster. Covers: alphabetic keys, punctuation, numbers and symbols. With over 560 pre-defined timed drills, and unlimited custom lessons and tests, Keyboard Mastery is super flexible in meeting your curriculum needs.
Keyboard Short Course
Time Range: 20 - 30 Hours
User Range: Middle School - College
Keyboard Short Course is a condensed version of Keyboard Mastery. This course is great for beginners, or experienced typists that need to review the basics to quickly improve their speed and accuracy 15-30 WPM. Keyboard Short Course will also fit nicely in connection with other subjects where keyboarding is desired but not the main emphasis. Covers: alphabetic keys. 120+ pre-defined timed drills and unlimited custom lessons and test.
Keyboarding For Kids
Time Range: 20 - 30 Hours
User Range: Elementary
Keyboarding for Kids teaches keyboarding correctly to young children at the time when computers are first introduced to them. The content is phonetic by grade and reading level to facilitate learning to read along with keyboarding. Drills start with 15-second timings and progress up to 1-minute timings for older children. Students are rewarded with praise, trophies, badges, leader boards, and more! Due to physical and mental developments/maturity keyboarding is most successful in and around the 3rd grade.
Skillbuilding Mastery
Time Range: 50 - 60 Hours
User Range: High School - College
Skillbuilding Mastery (50-60 hours) is an advanced course designed to increase typing speed and accuracy to more productive levels of 50+ WPM. Timing lengths are longer and range from 15 second to 5 minutes. All key reaches are covered, numbers, and symbols. Five proof reading lessons are also included.
Each Skillbuilding Mastery lesson is designed to reinforce each key reach with a strong push for speech and accuracy. Students using this course should already have good technique (no Hunting & Pecking) and they will improve their speeds tremendously. There are nearly 500 timed writings provided in the default curriculum.
Ten Key Mastery
Time Range: 20 - 30 Hours
User Range: High School - College
Ten Key Mastery teaches the numeric keypad with speed and accuracy using industry standards for data entry. Proficiency on three actual employment tests helps the student meet employment standards. 1-minute to 5-minute timings, plus a 10-minute endurance timing. This software is used by school and business.
When you have a Keyboarding Online subscription you automatically get two eBooks, FREE!

Nuts 'n' Bolts Formatting
Time Range: 50 - 60 Hours
User Range: High School - College
Nuts ‘n’ Bolts Formatting is a self-paced, step-by-step formatting e-book that is FREE to current customers of any of the five online keyboarding courses listed on this page. This PDF book covers: Basic Word Concepts, Fax Applications, Interoffice Memos, Business Letters, Proofreader’s Marks, Resumes and Cover Letters, Tables, Business Reports, Mail Merge, Fliers, Email, and more. Multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter. Free state abbreviation software test.

Introduction to Microsoft Applications
Time Range: 50 - 60 Hours
User Range: High School - College
Introduction to Microsoft Applications (versions kept up to date with the most recent Office release) is a self-paced, step-by-step formatting that is FREE to current customers of any of the 5 online keyboarding courses listed on this page. This PDF book covers the basics of: Windows, Publisher, Excel, Access, PowerPoint.